United States Pharmacopeia online
Select Pharmacopoeia

USP Ibuprofen RS
Do not dry. Keep container tightly closed.

USP Idarubicin Hydrochloride RS
Do not dry before using. Keep container tightly closed. Store in a freezer.

USP Idoxuridine RS
Do not dry before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Ifosfamide RS
Do not dry; determine the water content titrimetrically when used for quantitative analysis. Keep container tightly closed. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25.

USP Imidazole RS
Do not dry before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Imidurea RS
Dry portion in vacuum over phosphorus pentoxide for 48 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed. Store in a desiccator.

USP Iminodibenzyl RS
(C14H13N 195.28) —Dry portion over silica gel for 4 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed and protected from light.

USP Imipenem Monohydrate RS
Do not dry before using. Keep container tightly closed. Store in a freezer.

USP Imipramine Hydrochloride RS
Dry portion at 105 for 2 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed.

USP Inamrinone RS
Do not dry before using; determine the water content titrimetrically at the time of use. Keep container tightly closed.

USP Inamrinone Related Compound A RS
[5-carboxamide[3,4¢-bipyridin]-6(1H)-one] (C11H9N3O2 215.21) —Do not dry; use as is. Keep container tightly closed and protected from light.

USP Inamrinone Related Compound B RS
[N-(1,6-dihydro-6-oxo-(3,4¢-bipyridine)-5-yl)-2-hydroxypropanamide] (C13H13N3O3 259.3) —Do not dry; use as is.

USP Inamrinone Related Compound C RS
[1,6-dihydro-6-oxo-(3,4¢-bipyridine)-5-carbonitrile] (C11H7N3O 197.20) —Do not dry; use as is.

USP Indapamide RS
Dry portion at 105 for 4 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light. Store in a desiccator.

USP Indigotindisulfonate Sodium RS
Dry portion at 105 for 3 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light. This material is hygroscopic.

USP Indinavir RS—
Do not dry. This is the monohydrate form of indinavir. Keep container tightly closed.
Change to read:

USP Indinavir USP29 System Suitability RS
Do not dry. Keep container tightly closed.USP29

USP Indocyanine Green RS
Dry portion in vacuum at 50 for 3 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed.

USP Indomethacin RS
Dry portion at a pressure below 5 mm of mercury at 100 for 2 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Insulin RS
Preserve at a temperature not exceeding 15. After opening the vial, without delay, transfer the entire contents of the vial in accurately weighed portions to clean, dry volumetric flasks. Keep the flasks tightly closed, and store in a freezer. Do not dry before use for tests and assays.

USP Insulin (Beef) RS
Do not dry. Store in a freezer at 20 to 18; after opening, store in a tight container protected from air and humidity.

USP Insulin Human RS
Preserve in a freezer at 20 to 18, and, after opening the vial, store in a tight container. After opening the vial, without delay, transfer accurately weighed portions to clean, dry volumetric flasks. Keep the flasks tightly closed, and store in a freezer. Do not dry before use for tests and assays.

USP Insulin (Pork) RS
Do not dry. Store in a freezer at 20 to 18; after opening, store in a tight container protected from air and humidity.

USP Insulin Lispro RS.

USP Iodipamide RS
Dry portion at 105 for 4 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed.

USP Iodixanol RS
Dry portion at 105 for 4 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed, protected from light, and store in a dry place, preferably in a desiccator.

USP Iodixanol Related Compound A RS

USP Iodixanol Related Compound C RS

USP Iodixanol Related Compound D RS

USP Iodixanol Related Compound E RS

USP o-Iodohippuric Acid RS
(C9H8INO3 305.07) —Do not dry before using. Keep container tightly closed, and store in a desiccator. Protect from light.

USP Iodoquinol RS
Do not dry. Keep container tightly closed.

USP Iohexol RS
Do not dry before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Iohexol Related Compound A RS
[5-(acetylamino)-N,N¢-bis(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-2,4,6-triiodo-1,3-benzenedicarboxamide] —Do not dry. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Iohexol Related Compound B RS
[5-amino-N,N¢-bis(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-2,4,6-triiodo-1,3-benzenedicarboxamide] —Do not dry. Keep container tightly closed and protected from light.

USP Iohexol Related Compound C RS
[N,N¢-bis(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-5-nitro-1,3-benzenedicarboxamide] —Do not dry. Keep container tightly closed and protected from light.

USP Iopamidol RS
Dry portion at 105 for 4 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Iopamidol Related Compound A RS
[N,N¢-bis-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propyl)-5-amino-2,4,6-triiodoisophthalamide] (C14H18I3N3O6 705.03) —Do not dry before using. Keep container tightly closed and protected from light.

USP Iopamidol Related Compound B RS
[5-glycolamido-N,N¢-bis[2-hydroxy-1-(hydroxymethyl)ethyl]-2,4,6-triiodoisophthalamide] (C16H20I3N3O7 747.07) —Do not dry. Keep container tightly closed, protected from light, at room temperature.

USP Iopromide RS
—Do not dry. For quantitative applications, use a value of 0.979 mg iopromide per mg on as-is basis. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Iopromide Related Compound A RS
Do not dry. Keep container tightly closed and protected from light.

USP Iopromide Related Compound B RS
[5-(acetylamino)-N,N¢-bis(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-2,4,6-triiodo-N-methyl-1,3-benzenedicarboxamide]—Do not dry. Keep container tightly closed.

USP Iothalamic Acid RS
Dry portion at 105 for 4 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed.

USP Ioversol RS.

USP Ioversol Related Compound A RS
Do not dry before using. Keep container tightly closed and protected from light.

USP Ioversol Related Compound B RS
Do not dry before using. Keep container tightly closed and protected from light.

USP Ioxaglic Acid RS.

USP Ioxilan RS—
Do not dry. For quantitative applications, determine the water content titrimetrically at the time of use. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Ioxilan Related Compound A RS
[5-amino-2,4,6-triiodo-3 N-(2-hydroxyethyl)carbamoyl benzoic acid] (C10H9I3N2O4 601.90) —Dry at 105 for 2 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Ipodate Sodium RS
Dry portion in vacuum at 60 for 3 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed.

USP Irbesartan RS—
Do not dry.

USP Irbesartan Related Compound A RS
[1-pentanoylamino-cyclopentanecarboxylic acid [2'-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)-byphenyl-4-ylmethyl]-amide] (C25H30N6O2 446.54).

USP Isoetharine Hydrochloride RS
Dry portion at 100 for 4 hours before using.

USP Isoflupredone Acetate RS—
Dry a portion at 105 for 4 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Isoflurane RS
Do not dry before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Isoflurane Related Compound A RS
[1-chloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethylchlorodifluoromethyl ether] (C3HCl2F5O 219.49) .

USP Isoflurane Related Compound B RS
[2,2,2-trifluoroethyldifluoromethyl ether] (C3H3F5O 150.05) —Do not dry before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light. [Caution—Extremely volatile liquid. Cool contents before opening ampul. ]

USP L-Isoleucine RS
Dry portion at 105 for 3 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed.

USP Isomalathion RS
(C10H19O6PS2 330.37) —Do not dry. Keep container tightly closed, and store in a cool place.

USP Isometheptene Mucate RS.

USP Isoniazid RS
Dry portion at 105 for 4 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Isopropamide Iodide RS
Dry portion in vacuum at 60 for 2 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light.

USP Isopropyl Myristate RS
Do not dry before using. After opening ampul, transfer contents to a tightly closed container, and protect from light.

USP Isopropyl Palmitate RS
Do not dry before using. After opening ampul, transfer contents to a tightly closed container. Protect from light.

USP Isoproterenol Hydrochloride RS
Dry portion in vacuum over phosphorus pentoxide for 4 hours before using. Keep the container tightly closed and protected from light.
Add the following:

USP Isomalt RS.

USP Isosorbide RS
For quantitative applications, determine the water content titrimetrically. After opening the ampul, store in a tightly closed container.

USP Diluted Isosorbide Dinitrate RS
[CautionUndiluted material is explosive by percussion or excessive heat. ] This is a mixture containing 25% of isosorbide dinitrate in mannitol. Do not dry before using. Keep container tightly closed. Prevent exposure to excessive heat.

USP Isosorbide Mononitrate RS.

USP Isosorbide Mononitrate Related Compound A RS
[1,4:3,5-dianhydro-D-glucitol 2-nitrate] (C6H9NO6 191.14).

USP Isotretinoin RS
Do not dry. Store vials at a temperature below 0; allow to reach room temperature before opening, and use the contents promptly after opening vials. Protect from air and light once vial has been opened.

USP Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride RS
Dry portion at 105 for 1 hour before using. Keep container tightly closed.

USP Isradipine RS
Dry portion at 105 for 4 hours before using. Keep container tightly closed and protected from light.

USP Isradipine Related Compound A RS
[isopropyl methyl 4-(4-benzofurazanyl)-2,6-dimethyl-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylate] (C19H19 N3O5 369.38) —Do not dry. Keep container tightly closed, protected from light, and store in a freezer.

USP Ivermectin RS—
Do not dry. Protect from light. Keep container tightly closed.