VitaminMineral Dosage Forms
This test is provided to determine compliance with the dissolution requirements where stated in the individual class monographs for a tablet or capsule dosage form, except where the label states that the tablets are to be chewed. It does not apply to tablets or capsules designed to release vitamin or mineral content over a delayed or extended period of time. Soft gelatin capsule preparations of dietary supplements meet the requirements for Disintegration.
All dietary supplements belonging to USP Classes II to VI, prepared as tablets or capsules, are subject to the dissolution test and criteria described in this chapter for folic acid (if present) and for index vitamins and index minerals. This test is also required if the product labeling includes a health claim concerning the relationship between folate deficiency and the risk of neural tube defects. The accompanying table lists the dissolution requirements for the individual USP classes of dietary supplements. Class I dietary supplements are combinations of oil-soluble vitamins, which are exempt from dissolution requirements; hence, dissolution requirements do not apply to the oil-soluble vitamins contained in formulations belonging to Class IV or Class V.
Dietary SupplementsVitaminMineral
Dosage Forms
Unless otherwise stated in the individual monograph, test 6 dosage units for dissolution as directed under
NOTEPerform this test under subdued light.
water; 900 mL. If the units tested do not meet the requirements for dissolution in water, test 6 additional dosage units for dissolution in a medium of 900 mL of 0.05 M pH 6.0 citrate buffer solution, prepared by mixing 9.5 mL of 0.1 M citric acid monohydrate and 40.5 mL of 0.1 M sodium citrate dihydrate in a 100-mL volumetric flask, diluting with water to volume, mixing, and adjusting to a pH of 6.0 by using either 0.1 M hydrochloric acid or 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution.
Apparatus 1:
100 rpm, for capsules.
Apparatus 2:
75 rpm, for tablets.
1 hour.
0.1 N hydrochloric acid; 900 mL.
Apparatus 1:
100 rpm, for capsules.
Apparatus 2:
75 rpm, for tablets.
1 hour.
For formulations containing 25 mg or more of the index vitamin, riboflavin, use the following conditions:
0.1 N hydrochloric acid; 1800 mL.
Apparatus 1:
100 rpm, for capsules.
Apparatus 2:
75 rpm, for tablets.
1 hour.
Compliance with the dissolution requirements for dietary supplements representing combinations of water-soluble vitamins (
Water-Soluble Vitamins Capsules and
Water-Soluble Vitamins Tablets) and combinations of oil- and water-soluble vitamins (
Oil- and Water-Soluble Vitamins Capsules and
Oil- and Water-Soluble Vitamins Tablets) is determined by measuring the dissolution of a single index vitamin from the water-soluble vitamins present. Riboflavin is the index vitamin when present in the formulation. For formulations that do not contain riboflavin, pyridoxine is the index vitamin. If neither riboflavin nor pyridoxine is present in the formulation, the index vitamin is niacinamide (or niacin), and in the absence of niacinamide (or niacin), the index vitamin is thiamine. If none of the above four water-soluble vitamins is present in the formulation, the index vitamin is ascorbic acid.
Compliance with the dissolution requirements for dietary supplements representing combinations of minerals (
Minerals Capsules and
Minerals Tablets) is determined by measuring the dissolution of only one index element. Iron is the index element when present in the formulation. For formulations that do not contain iron, the index element is calcium. If neither iron nor calcium is present, the index element is zinc, and in the absence of all three of these elements, magnesium is the index element.
In the following procedures, combine equal volumes of the filtered solutions of the 6 individual specimens withdrawn, and determine the amount of folic acid or the index vitamin or element dissolved, based on the average of 6 units tested. Make any necessary modifications including concentration of the analyte in the volume of test solution taken. Use Dissolution Medium for preparation of the Standard solution and dilution, if necessary, of the test solution.
Niacin or Niacinamide, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, and Thiamine
Determine the amount of the designated index vitamin dissolved by employing the procedure set forth in the Assay for niacin or niacinamide, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamine under Water-Soluble Vitamins Tablets.
Ascorbic Acid
Determine the amount of C
6 dissolved by adding 10 mL of 1.0 N sulfuric acid and 3 mL of
starch TS to 100.0 mL of test solution, and titrating immediately with 0.01 N iodine VS. Perform a blank determination, and make any necessary correction.
Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc
Determine the amount of the designated index element dissolved by employing the procedure set forth in the appropriate Assay under Minerals Capsules.
The requirements are met if not less than 75% of the labeled content of folic acid and not less than 75% of the labeled content of the index vitamin or the index element from the units tested is dissolved in 1 hour.